After more than a year of heavy, dense content, I wanted to give My subs a break and publish a light, easily digestible, nothin'-but-photos post. These were taken years ago, from age 24 - 26, at the dawn of My journey into the world of Female Domination. Although I have tried various ensembles, it did not take long before I eased into My now signature business attire. Enjoy, boys!
Masochism: The True Pleasures of Shame, Pain, & Humiliation
"The greatest pleasures are born of conquered repugnancies." Marquis De Sade
As living organisms our instinct is to survive, pass our genes on to the next generation, and seek that which brings us pleasure and the absence of pain. Masochism is characterized by the tendency to derive sexual gratification from one's own pain and humiliation. At face value masochism contradicts those very instincts of self preservation. We have been socialized to believe that the emotions caused by shame, pain, and humiliation should be avoided for the sake of maintaining one's honor and status. Our very survival, in this increasingly interdependent world, rests on our reputation as dignified, ego-serving creatures. It should be in our nature to maintain and increase our prestige and esteem. To seek that which makes us bleed, degraded, used, and abused is therefore counter-intuitive and should not even exist in our evolutionary wiring. Or should it?
Read moreTo the slave who sent Me a cashmere sweater and "Man's Search for Meaning"
I am pleased that My "Mind of the Mistress" page resonated with you, and that you showed your appreciation with a demonstration. Do send Me an email so that I can write a proper thank-you note.
My Unfiltered, Unbiased, Unfair View of a man's Real Place in a Female-Privileged World
Sex is the most powerful of human drives. If there is a God, then this omnipotent being designed our bodies with the intention for us to fornicate furiously, regularly...but not equally between the sexes. The erotic energy instilled in mankind for it to survive belongs in between the legs of Women, a power that controls men and creates life. Whereas men dominate all other sectors of civilization, women dominate sex -- We can provide it, withhold it, or even require money in exchange for it. In the game of sex, men are unequal, outmatched, disadvantaged, and often left frustrated and financially drained with no release in sight. The privilege of being a woman -- a beautiful woman -- in the past and now, defines female supremacy. A beautiful woman is a commodity in this world, men want her and women want to be like her. Beauty is power. Beauty is idolized, fetishized, and glorified on screen and in advertising. We have a visual obsession with the female body, near scopophilia. The attainment of beauty has been an on-going goal for women since early girlhood. A woman's beauty grants her access to society, to men with resources, to places and events that accessorize itself with attractive females to attract more money. A beautiful woman can have any man of any socioeconomic status she wishes. Her sexuality equalizes her to men with more resources than her because the only thing men want just as much as wealth and power -- if not more -- is sexual gratification. Her beauty enables her to dominate men and women alike. She has sexual access to any man she desires, which in turn grants her economic access. By being beautiful, she has accomplished what average women spend hours trying to achieve everyday. By being beautiful without any effort, she embodies what men want, men who spend their whole entire lives working to acquire enough resources so that they can gain access to her, be worthy of her, entice her. There is no equality between men and beautiful women. Although men like to compete, they recognize that this is the most unfair game in life. She is at the top of the social food chain (but only for a short span of her lifetime). All beautiful women understands this. All beautiful women with a sliver of sympathy for men understands the privilege they enjoy.
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