My Unfiltered, Unbiased, Unfair View of a man's Real Place in a Female-Privileged World

Sex is the most powerful of human drives. If there is a God, then this omnipotent being designed our bodies with the intention for us to fornicate furiously, regularly...but not equally between the sexes. The erotic energy instilled in mankind for it to survive belongs in between the legs of Women, a power that controls men and creates life. Whereas men dominate all other sectors of civilization, women dominate sex -- We can provide it, withhold it, or even require money in exchange for it. In the game of sex, men are unequal, outmatched, disadvantaged, and often left frustrated and financially drained with no release in sight. The privilege of being a woman -- a beautiful woman -- in the past and now, defines female supremacy.  A beautiful woman is a commodity in this world, men want her and women want to be like her. Beauty is power. Beauty is idolized, fetishized, and glorified on screen and in advertising. We have a visual obsession with the female body, near scopophilia. The attainment of beauty has been an on-going goal for women since early girlhood. A woman's beauty grants her access to society, to men with resources, to places and events that accessorize itself with attractive females to attract more money. A beautiful woman can have any man of any socioeconomic status she wishes. Her sexuality equalizes her to men with more resources than her because the only thing men want just as much as wealth and power -- if not more -- is sexual gratification. Her beauty enables her to dominate men and women alike. She has sexual access to any man she desires, which in turn grants her economic access. By being beautiful, she has accomplished what average women spend hours trying to achieve everyday. By being beautiful without any effort, she embodies what men want, men who spend their whole entire lives working to acquire enough resources so that they can gain access to her, be worthy of her, entice her. There is no equality between men and beautiful women. Although men like to compete, they recognize that this is the most unfair game in life. She is at the top of the social food chain (but only for a short span of her lifetime). All beautiful women understands this. All beautiful women with a sliver of sympathy for men understands the privilege they enjoy.

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An Exemplary Email from a Consummate slave (A must-read for those who wish to contact Me for the first time)

This special post is for those who have contemplated reaching out to Me for the first time and may not quite know how to properly go about it. your introduction letter to Me should be thoughtful, eloquent, sincere, and respectful. This means you will address Me properly at the beginning of the email, you will have reviewed My website beforehand to educate yourself on My rules, My philosophies, and My tribute, and you will have proofread your email for any grammatical errors prior to sending it. your introductory emails should contain 3 parts: your reasons for contacting Me, your background and experience level as a slave, and your dates of availability for a session as well as your phone number. If you have been acting the part of a fully functional adult who is responsible, reasonably educated, and gainfully employed, then all of this information should have been obvious to you. I am fortunate enough to be served by outstanding submissives from around the world. I cannot count how many times I have been utterly blown away by the level of service, devotion, and thoughtfulness with which they demonstrate their loyalty and submission to Me. you know who you are. If you have served Me before and I still grant you My time even outside of a session, it means you have earned your place at My feet. Life is precious and time is limited, therefore My time is valuable and only to be given to those who are worthy of Me.

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Why you Cannot See Me for Free: A Post for All the Aspiring "Personal slaves"

I have just declined a very earnest slave's request to see Me for 'drinks and dinner'. In the normal dating world, this is a perfectly thoughtful gesture of an invite, but a major blunder in the world of Professional Domination. Why? Because he wanted to serve Me on a level in which he does not need to pay tribute. Unfortunately, this is not the first time it has occurred. I am writing this post on behalf of ALL ProfessionalMistresses who dare to make a life out of dominating and training slaves, who dare to put themselves out there at the risk of serious bodily harm every single day, who dare to bare the possibility of ostracism when they reveal what they do to friends and family--people whose opinions they care about, who dare to live their lives based on their own terms. We Professional Mistresses require tribute for Our time because We have turned our craft into a sustainable livelihood--that is the desire and goal of ANYONE with passion for what they do in ANY FIELD.

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My Birthday

To all My most devout slaves, sissies, bitches, sluts, servants, and pets, thank you for making My birthday (April 20th) an utter joy for Me. I was training slaves in Seattle all weekend and came home to find a mountain of adoration on My doorstep, from lingerie to clothing, books (My favorite!) and gift cards. I am grateful for all your acts of kindness and your most thoughtful birthday wishes. Thank you all for demonstrating such devotion to Me. Just as a slave must be worthy of Me, I am deeply humbled that I am worthy of such loyal subs who always give Me their best -- in and outside of a session.

Mistress just turned 29. Mistress is happy.

Thank you all for thinking of Me!